Luther Kimbrough Lodge No. 838 was organized at Oak Ridge First Baptist Church, located at 2445 Oak Ridge Road in Oak Ridge, North Carolina.  Brother Fleetwood Howell was appointed by the Grand Master to assume immediate control, the designated time for convening, and appointed subordinate officers of Luther Kimbrough Lodge No. 838.  The chartering brothers applied for membership on February 16, 1976, and were recommended by Bro. Howell and Bro. John D. Jessup.  The chartering brothers were initiated and passed on March 25, 1976, and were raised on May 13, 1976, to become fully invested master masons of North Carolina Prince Hall Jurisdiction.  Members of Luther Kimbrough  Lodge No. 838 conducted their meetings in the Fellowship Hall of the church and later decided regular meetings be held on 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each moth at 8:00 PM.

Per the NC Masonic Code, petitioners shall not name their lodge after any living man, profane or Mason. 2 Special consideration from the Charters and Dispensations committee allowed the lodge to be called: Luther J. Kimbrough as a memorial to one who did so much of the lodge preliminary legwork, but who died before the lodge was officially Charted.

Luther J. Kimbrough is the eldest son of Allen and Mattie Frost Kimbrough. He was born on August 27, 1910 in Iredell County. He attended public schools in Iredell County and was a long-time resident of Statesville, NC. The family moved to High Point, NC in 1935 and he never moved again. Immediately after taking up residency in High Point, NC, Luther joined Greater First United Baptist Church at 1437 Deep River Road in High Point, NC. At church, he served on the Trustee Board, ordained a Deacon, and served as Superintendent of Sunday School. Luther was the President of a co-ed club called “The Crusaders” for 37 years. The club is nowcalled “The Luther J Kimbrough Circle”. Kimbrough worked as a chef. Luther Kimbrough married Lillian McCollum Kimbrough on September 19, 1954. Sis. Kimbrough is a member of White Rose Chapter #157 Order of Eastern Stars. Bro. Kimbrough has four children from a prior marriage: Patricia, Joseph, Linda and William. Masonically, Brother Kimbrough was a Free & Accepted Mason of Toussaint L’Ouverture Lodge No. 524.; which is located at 1215 East Washington Street in High Point, N.C. He was initiated in 1944. Bro. Luther Kimbrough served his lodge greatly and local community. He became a past master of the lodge. Bro. Kimbrough was awarded a plaque for Distinguished Service at a dinner given in his honor on June 25, 1974. He was a member of Furniture City Elks Lodge #282 in High Point, NC. Luther Kimbrough died on May 2, 1975.

If you want your work to be SQUARE, Don’t cut corners.

On April 15, 2018, a tornado hit Greensboro, North Carolina, damaging most of the eastern part. As a result, our home, which housed Luther Kimbrough Lodge No. 838 and C.W. Lawrence No. 837, was broken down to the ground. With perseverance and dedication, upon the square, the brothers came together to rebuild our home to display resiliency and strength.